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We are Mint Classics. We are a direct importer of classic cars and trucks from around the globe. We bring those vehicles back home to our dealership here in Florida.


Importing is tough, and the world of importers is a murky one. For the buyer looking for a pristine classic, or an everyday driver, options abound with respect to where to look and how to get the vehicle back home.


We've been importing classic vehicles from overseas since 2014, and founded Mint Classics in 2018 to build on what we've learned, the relationships we've built, and take the passion for unique and imported classics to the next level. Our focus is bringing legally imported, fully titled, and ready-to-drive classic vehicles to the U.S. market.


To us, classic vehicles are the closest thing we have to time travel. Behind the wheel you’re immediately transported across time and space, no longer held to the rules of today, but those of another time. In a fast and ever-evolving world, we enjoy classic vehicles for what they force us to do: Slow down. Go outside. Explore. Experience. Collaborate. Our focus on imported classics compounds that feeling as each vehicle’s unique history and path to Florida is as different as those who choose to drive them.


We are a direct importer. The vehicles we source come from our friends on the ground around the world. They're inspected in-person. It's a simple step, but one that helps us separate the wheat from the chaff. The vehicles are shipped directly to our facility in Florida, where we get them titled, inspected, and ready for sale. Too often we've seen buyers spend months researching, agonizing, and getting excited for the arrival of a vehicle they purchased overseas - only to be crestfallen upon its arrival. Whether the vehicle was misrepresented by the buyer, damaged during transport, seized at customs, or otherwise not immediately fit for service, the experience quickly sours.


Why Commonwealth? Well, the Mint Classics of Florida is our home. It's where we're from, and where we are. It's our home base, and where all our vehicles are located. While our friends and family are spread across the country and globe, it’s our roots that help us stay grounded.  Moreover, through this venture, we're able to do a little good, both locally and globally. More on that to come. For now - Thanks for your interest in Mint Classics.

© 2018 by

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